Total businesses and organizations listed on this site: 250
Metchosin Village Square
A space to post pictures, ideas and thoughts about a future Metchosin Village Square. #SmallBusiness #yyj #OnlineCommunities
Victoria Motorcycle Club
Motorcycle Club and riding area located in Metchosin BC with members and motorcycle enthusiasts from the Greater Victoria Area. Since its beginning, the Victoria Motorcycle Club has promoted the sport of motorcycling of all types and for all ages. As a non-profit organization, we believe that riding is one of the few things left that is family oriented, healthy, enjoyable and isn’t prohibitively expensive. #MetchosinBusiness #VancouverIsland #Organizations #Sports
Wild ARC
The BC SPCA Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre (Wild ARC) on Southern Vancouver Island treats over 1,800 injured and orphaned wild animals each year. #MetchosinOnline #Westshore #Organizations #Services