Metchosin Businesses & Organizations
- Accommodations
- Art
- Automotive
- Bakery
- Bees & Honey
- Blacksmith
- Camping & RV
- Catering
- Childcare
- Churches and Spirituality
- Clothing and Accessories
- Computers & Internet
- Construction
- Counselling and Life Coaching
- Dining
- Electrical
- Environment
- Farms
- Firewood
- Florists
- Food
- Furniture
- Garden and Nursery
- Gifts
- Hair & Beauty
- Handy Person
- Health & Fitness
- Horse Boarding & Equestrian
- House Cleaning
- Jewellery
- Junk Removal
- Landscaping & Excavating
- Legal
- Marinas & Marine Services
- Music
- Office Supplies
- Online Communities
- Organizations
- Painting
- Pet Services
- Photography
- Plumbing
- Publications & Authors
- Rentals
- Retail
- Roadside Stands
- Schools & Education
- Services
- Sports
- Theatre
- Transportation
- Trucking
- Water
- Welding
Metchosin Online
This website provides a free listing for businesses and organizations located in Metchosin, BC. Big and small, we list them all.
Who Qualifies
Any business located in Metchosin. This listing is not available to business owners who live in Metchosin but operate their business elsewhere – sorry, but there are numerous other listing services available to the other municipalities in the CRD.
Get on the List
Fill out the form and we will gladly add you to the list.

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